PTSA Awards & Scholarships
Beechwood's PTSA can participate in several scholarships and awards through the KY PTA. The description and entry forms for each award/scholarship are listed below. If you have any questions, contact the PTSA.
$ 500 Student Scholarship
$ 500 Student Scholarship
- Deadline: February 15, 2022
- Seniors only
- Plan to attend a university in Kentucky and purse a career in education
- Requirements: letter of recommendation, transcripts and essay
$1000 “Harold Steele” Student Scholarship
- Deadline: February 15, 2022
- Awarded for a two-year period $500 each year
- Applicant must plan to enter the teaching field at a Kentucky college or university.
- Requirements: letter of recommendation, transcripts and essay
$500 Parent-Member Scholarship
- Deadline: February 15, 2022
- PTSA parent member planning to attend a college or university in Kentucky and pursue an undergraduate degree in education or health
- Requirements: A copy of your college credits or copies of your high school or GED credits, letter of recommendation and essay
$500 Teacher-Member Scholarship
- Deadline: February 15, 2022
- PTSA Teacher Member
- Teacher earning credit in master’s degree or Rank 1
- Requirements: A copy of your college credits or copies of your grades from the personnel files of the school system where you are presently employed, letters of recommendation and essay
Outstanding Educator Award
- Deadline: March 15, 2022
- Nominee must be a PTSA member (ask PTSA if you are unsure if they are a member or not)
- Who is eligible: All Certified Personnel involved in the education process ( e.g.: superintendents, principals, teachers, counselors).
Self Esteem Award
- Deadline: To Beechwood PTSA is February 1, 2022. The February 15, 2022 on the entry form is when the Beechwood PTSA must submit the top 5 entries in each category.
- Grades pre-school through 12th grade. There is a special artist category for students in the special education program. Be sure to select the correct entry form below for your grade.
- The purpose of this award is to allow students to express what makes them feel special.
- Each entry must be in the form of an essay, story, or poem not to exceed 500 words.
- If the entry is typed for the student, the original hand-written work should accompany the typed entry.
Outstanding School Nurse Award
- Deadline: March 15, 2022
- Nominee must be a PTSA member (ask PTSA if you are unsure if they are a member or not)
- Nominee must have 3 years of experience as a school nurse.
- Two letters of recommendation are required (see entry form for more details)
Outstanding Classified Personnel Award
- Deadline March 15, 2022
- Nominee must be a member of PTSA (ask PTSA if you are unsure if they are a member or not)
- Classified personnel can hold any of the following positions: teacher's aide, secretary, bus driver/monitor, food service, custodian, other
Outstanding Educator Award
- Deadline March 15, 2022
- Nominee must be a member of PTSA (ask PTSA if you are unsure if they are a member or not)
- All Certified Personnel involved in the education process are eligible for the Kentucky PTA Outstanding Educator
Award. e.g.: superintendents, principals, teachers, counselors.
“Christa McAuliffe” Rising Star Award
- Deadline February 15, 2022
- Kentucky PTA's "Christa McAuliffe" Rising Star Award recognizes students who have successfully worked through
obstacles to improve performance in school, character, and self-esteem. - Pre-K through 12th grade and special needs students
Outstanding Volunteer Award
- Deadline March 15, 2022
- The nominee must meet the dictionary definition of a volunteer –“a person who voluntarily offers
himself or herself for a service or undertaking; a person who performs a service willingly and without
pay”—for all services, activities and time described in this application.